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Join the "Seed To Harvest Summit" for FREE!

Seed to Harvest Summit


5 Days. 15+ Leading Experts. Infinite Possibilities.

The Premiere Virtual Conference for Growers at any scale

Reserve your free seat now!


Free to join. Attend from anywhere.

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From Soil, to Seed, to Abundant Harvest — Discover how to grow greener, cleaner, more efficient, more profitable gardens and farms, from the top experts in the field. 

It's no secret that without growers, the world stops and everyone starves.

It's also no secret that in the current cultural, environmental, and economic climate (read: inflation, wacky weather and Industrial Agriculture forcing family farms out of business) growing is hard

And succeeding is even harder.

Imagine for a moment, your soil working with  you, instead of against you. 

Imagine plants so robust that pests are forced to move on, looking for easier targets. 

Imagine simple hacks that would save years of wear and tear on your body, (low back pain, anyone?) but that you'd never think of on your own. 

Imagine organizational tools and systems so effective you get twice as much done in a day, and still have time left over for family and fun. 

Imagine cutting costs without cutting corners, and maximizing profits to enable future growth. 

Imagine plumper, richer, riper produce, with more nutrition, less chemicals and sprays, and endless satisfaction... 

In other words, imagine succeeding at the growing game beyond all expectation-- not because the stars finally aligned, but because step by tiny step you combined the best ideas, tools, skills and practices, from the best in the field, and put them all into practice. 

That, in one sentence, is why Seed to Harvest Summit exists.

  • It's time to beat the broken systems and learn to work with nature to accomplish more with less... 

    More nutrition, more sustainability. More regeneration. 

    And with them, more health. More wholeness. More satisfaction and joy.

    Industrial agriculture has prioritized yields and profits at the cost of almost everything else. 

    And yet, a growing number of farmers and gardeners are fighting back, and proving that less chemical manipulation and industrialization can actually mean more abundant and vibrant harvests.

    Is it as easy as 1, 2, 3. . .? 

    No, it's not easy. But it is possible. One small step at a time. 

    Others are doing it-- and you can too.


    Luke Marion

    John Kempf

    Melissa Norris

    Brian Lowell

    Matt Powers

    Justin Rhodes

    Audrey Crawford

    Takota Coen

    Briana Bosch

    Jared & Annette Thurman

    Ann Accetta-Scott

    Jill Ragan

    Kaylee Richardson

    David Stelzer

    Randy Cummings

    Codi & Michelle Knox

    Noah Sanders

    Josh Thomas

    Michael Kilpatrick

    Leia Vaihere

    Diego Footer

    Meet Your Hosts

    Paul Dysinger

    Paul Dysinger enjoys teach­ing people all over the world how to grow their own healthy, nutri­ent-dense, organic food through online garden train­ing and soft­ware. He is a co-founder of Seedtime and the blessed husband to his wife Natasha and father of two sons and one daugh­ter. They cur­rently live in TN and enjoy seeing how much food they can grow on their small homestead.

    Edwin Dysinger

    Edwin Dysinger, together with his wife Jennifer and their three chil­dren spent 16 years pio­neer­ing community development work in Sudan, Tan­za­nia and Yemen, working to improve the lives of poor and rural fam­i­lies. That was fol­lowed by 10 years of growing produce with Boun­ti­ful Bless­ings Farm. Edwin is a co-founder of Seedtime and enjoys devel­op­ing his home­stead in middle TN and spend­ing time with his father, sib­lings, and 11 grandchildren!

    Take Control of Your Garden (and life!) One Step at a Time

    There are many reasons to set aside the artificial, and return to the soil. . . Not least among them is the fact that the more artificial our lives, the more we relinquish control to others— often to movements or corporations that don’t care about our futures. 

    It’s time to move towards more independence from self-serving systems that don’t help us meet our goals. 

    It’s time to get back in the driver’s seat and author our own destinies. 

    It’s time for the power in food production to be back into the hands of the consumer.  

    So whether you’ve been on this journey for years, or are just starting out, LEVEL UP and unlock the untapped potential in yourself, your garden, or your farm with the skills and systems you’ll find in the Seed to Harvest Summit


    Day 1


    8AM PST/
    11AM EST

    Justin & Rebekah Rhodes

    Winter Gardening on the Homestead

    10AM PST/
    1PM EST

    Justin & Rebekah Rhodes

    Winter Gardening on the Homestead

    1PM PST/
    4PM EST

    Justin & Rebekah Rhodes

    Winter Gardening on the Homestead

    3PM PST/
    6PM EST

    Justin & Rebekah Rhodes

    Winter Gardening on the Homestead

    5PM PST/
    8PM EST

    Edwin & Paul Dysinger

    Maximizing Your Yield!

    Day 2


    John Kempf

    Kick Starting Soil Health

    Azure Standard

    The Abundant Garden - Sponsor Session

    Matt Powers

    The Power of Bio Fertilizers

    Jared & Annette Thurman

    Starting Soil health for the Beginning Gardener

    Luke Marion

    Find a Cure, Don't Add a Bandaid

    Day 3


    Ann Accetta-Scott

    Creating Community With Your Garden

    School of Traditional Skills

    The Prepared Garden - Sponsor Session

    Takota Coen

    Permaculture for the Home Garden

    Justin Rhodes

    The Chicken Garden Miracle

    Codi & Michelle Knox

    Can You Really Grow All Your Own Food

    Day 4


    8AM PST/ 11AM EST

    Noah Sanders

    How to manage furry pests

    10AM PST/ 1PM EST

    Earth Medicine

    Organic Microbial Fertilizer - Sponsor Session

    1PM PST/ 4PM EST

    Brian Lowell

    Insect Pest Management in the Garden

    3PM PST/ 6PM EST

    Jill Ragan

    Sustainable Solutions: Organic Pest Control

    5PM PST/
    8PM EST

    Briana Bosch

    The Plastic Free Garden

    Day 5


    Audrey Crawford

    Growing Tomatoes A-Z

    Bootstrap Farmer

    Seed Starting: Setting You Up For Success - Sponsor Session

    Melissa Norris

    Top Garden Crops for Food Preservation

    Kaylee Richardson

    Top 5 Medicinal Herbs for Your Garden

    David Stelzer

    Growing Grain on a Small Scale

    Day 1


    8AM PST/ 11AM EST

    Justin & Rebekah Rhodes

    Winter Gardening on the Homestead

    10AM PST/ 1PM EST

    Eliot Coleman

    No-Heat Winter Growing in Maine (Zone 5)

    1PM PST/ 4PM EST

    Modern Grower

    How to Grow Microgreens in Your Kitchen!

    3PM PST/ 6PM EST

    Modern Grower

    How to Grow Microgreens in Your Kitchen!

    5PM PST/ 8PM EST

    Edwin & Paul Dysinger

    Maximizing Your Yield!

    Day 2


    John Kempf

    Kick Starting Soil Health

    Azure Standard

    The Abundant Garden - Sponsor Session

    Matt Powers

    The Power of Bio Fertilizers

    Jared & Annette Thurman

    Starting Soil health for the Beginning Gardener

    Luke Marion

    Find a Cure, Don't Add a Bandaid

    Day 3


    Ann Accetta-Scott

    Creating Community With Your Garden

    School of Traditional Skills

    The Prepared Garden - Sponsor Session

    Takota Coen

    Permaculture for the Home Garden

    Justin Rhodes

    The Chicken Garden Miracle

    Codi & Michelle Knox

    Can You Really Grow All Your Own Food?

    Day 4


    Noah Sanders

    How to Manage Furry Pests

    Earth Medicine

    Organic Microbial Fertilizer - Sponsor Session

    Brian Lowell

    Insect Pest Management in the Garden

    Jill Ragan

    Sustainable Solutions: Organic Pest Control

    Briana Bosch

    The Plastic Free Garden

    Day 5


    Audrey Crawford

    Growing Tomatoes A-Z

    Bootstrap Farmer

    Seed Starting: Setting You Up For Success - Sponsor Session

    Melissa Norris

    Top Garden Crops for Food Preservation

    Kaylee Richardson

    Top 5 Medicinal Herbs for Your Garden

    David Stelzer

    Growing Grain on a Small Scale

    Day 1


    5PM PST/ 8PM EST

    Edwin & Paul Dysinger

    Maximizing Your Yield!

    Day 2


    8AM PST/ 11AM EST

    John Kempf

    Kick Starting Soil Health

    10AM PST/ 1PM EST

    Azure Standard

    The Abundant Garden - Sponsor Session

    1PM PST/ 4PM EST

    Matt Powers

    The Power of Bio Fertilizers

    3PM PST/ 6PM EST

    Jared & Annette

    Starting Soil health for the Beginning Gardener

    5PM PST/ 8PM EST

    Luke Marion

    Find a Cure, Don't Add a Bandaid

    Day 3


    8AM PST/ 11AM EST

    Ann Accetta-Scott

    Creating Community With Your Garden

    10AM PST/ 1PM EST

    School of Traditional Skills

    The Prepared Garden - Sponsor Session

    1PM PST/ 4PM EST

    Takota Coen

    Permaculture for the Home Garden

    3PM PST/ 6PM EST

    Justin Rhodes

    The Chicken Garden Miracle

    5PM PST/ 8PM EST

    Codi & Michelle Knox

    Can you really grow all your own food?

    Day 4


    8AM PST/ 11AM EST

    Noah Sanders

    How to Manage Furry Pests

    10AM PST/ 1PM EST

    Earth Medicine

    Organic Microbial Fertilizer - Sponsor Session

    1PM PST/ 4PM EST

    Brian Lowell

    Insect Pest Management in the Garden

    3PM PST/ 6PM EST

    Jill Ragan

    Sustainable Solutions: Organic Pest Control

    5PM PST/ 8PM EST

    Briana Bosch

    The Plastic Free Garden

    Day 5


    8AM PST/ 11AM EST

    Audrey Crawford

    Growing Tomatoes A-Z

    10AM PST/ 1PM EST

    Bootstrap Farmer

    Seed Starting - Setting You Up For Success - Sponsor Session

    1PM PST/ 4PM EST

    Melissa Norris

    Top Garden Crops for Food Preservation

    3PM PST/ 6PM EST

    Kaylee Richardson

    Top 5 Medicinal Herbs for Your Garden

    5PM PST/ 8PM EST

    David Stelzer

    Growing Grain on a Small Scale

    Brought To You By

    The Seed to Harvest Summit is for you, if you’d rather give your time and money to growing good things than to mega corporations that don't care about you and your family. 

    This LIVE event will bring the best in the world of responsible and sustainable agriculture right into your home so that you can be the best version of yourself, and grow the best version of your garden.

    You can pour life into, and watch life spring back out of formerly compromised soil. 

    You can learn how to give back to the earth with composting and cover cropping, rather than with artificial fertilizers from chemical conglomerates. 

    You can learn to manage more ground with less sweat through revolutionary (and natural!) weed and pest solutions. 

    You can discover how to extend your seasons on both ends so you get harvests sooner, and have them last longer than you ever thought possible. 

    You can grow more than you ever thought possible in a small amount of space with intuitive layout and crop management tools.

    You can increase production efficiency (and by extension, increase savings or profits) with tips and tricks shared by successful (agriculturally and monetarily) farmers of various sizes

    You can cut stressful and overwhelming garden and farm planning by more than half for free through the use of the right tools. . . 

    YES! Sign me up for Seed To Harvest Summit for FREE

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